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More Than Material Art Show Virtual Tour

"Tell You" by Cecilia Qualey

With Out You

Artist Statement

My name is Cecilia Quayley. I am 15 years old and I go to Apollo High School. My Mentor is Aaron Sutton, The piece I made this session is a song called “Tell you” using my vocals and a piano.

I have a hard time explaining my feelings to others and understanding them myself, which can be a big challenge for me at times. I wrote this song trying to understand how I felt but failed and instead, wrote about the difficulties I have with my feelings. I chose the image I did because I felt like it expressed how I felt more than the other images I saw. The reason I chose to make a song is because I’m not very good at drawing and music is my passion.

Something I gained from this session are new friends, a better understanding of myself, and my feelings. I thank my mentors from this session for helping me with my music, my parents for telling me about Youth for Christ and everyone else who has helped me with this session.

Oral Statement