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More Than Material Art Show Virtual Tour

"Untitled" by Elijah Tweten
Audio With GarageBand


Artist Statement

I grew up in a very musical family. Both my parents played on the worship team at my church growing up and encouraged me to make music as I grew older. They say I could drum when I was very young and enrolled me in piano lessons when I was old enough. I began to write songs on the piano when I was in middle school and I found great joy in being musically creative. Eventually I discovered GarageBand on my parent’s phones and began to fully use it creatively by my freshman year. I began to make songs that were made entirely with GarageBand instruments and I learned how to use the program to engineer and play different instruments. Once I learned how to use GarageBand well enough, I wanted to make a song I could be proud of.

My favorite type of music is rock music and 1980s music. So for my piece I wanted to make a song that was a combination of the two. I wrote the main melody a few months before the session but I found it again looking through my previous songs and I completed it for this PV session.

Throughout the session, I thought about how God gave me the gift of making music and how blessed I am that I have the materials and resources to make this kind of music. I hope someday to make songs for him because I know he created me with these gifts for a higher purpose.

Oral Statement