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Unmasking Art Show Virtual Tour

"Ducks in the pond" by Ella Anderson
Resin And Rocks 7.5" x 7.5" x 3"

Ducks in the pond
Ducks in the pond

Artist Statement

Hello, I am Ella Anderson. I am 16 years old and I go to Apollo highschool. I made ducks in the pond using resin and rocks I've collected over the years.

One of my greatest fears is the fear of heights. I have been able to go on hikes and do other things high up but I was terrified while doing them which has caused me to look at the ground when walking. Looking down a lot has caused me to find a lot of cool rocks to collect. Over 4 ish years I've collected lots of rocks and I decided to put them to use with this project. When I was walking with my sister at a few different state parks I realized just how much I look down at the dirt when I should be looking ahead at the beautiful scenery. Underneath a bridge there was a small river with lots of rocks and while collecting them I saw a family of ducks. I came to the realization that I need to face my fears. Not just my fear of heights but my other fears too, the ones that are internal.

During this pandemic I have still gone to PV as much as I can. This is important because it has taught me that a good chunk of the art piece is the experience while making it. At home I get quite lonely since I'm the only kid at home so pv has been one of my main ways of seeing people and getting interaction. I spent the most time with Shane, especially when I went in on a saturday. Even though we only talked about anime and other interests, it's still very meaningful to me.

I want to thank Shane for putting up with me, especially for this long. I also want to thank Matt and the other leaders for handling the situation well during this session.