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More Than Material Art Show Virtual Tour

"What Would You Do?" by Daniel Binsfeld
3x4 Photos, Copper-coated Steel Rods, Magnets, Monofilament, Modeling Mannequin, Edison Bulb

What Would You Do?
What Would You Do?
What Would You Do?
What Would You Do?
What Would You Do?

Artist Statement

My name is Daniel Binsfeld. I am a senior at Sartell High School. My mentors - Angela Chilson, Shane Mahon, and Paul Burris - were integral components in producing and completing my artistic vision. My piece originates in the effects of abusive relationships, manipulation, sex trafficking, and the porn industry. It represents both the chronic pain of darkness and an escape from it.

The mannequin is the center of my piece. Everything revolves around it and, without it, the piece loses meaning. Suspended by near-transparent strings, the mannequin is controlled and trapped at all angles and approaches. It is faceless, devoid of all personality and individuality, smothered by indifference. A birdcage surrounds the mannequin, trapping it in a muted state of helplessness. Held together by only magnets and interlocking hooks, the cage shows the fragility and immense caution required for the mannequin to survive its situation without bringing down its surroundings in a painful collapse. The photos are the final seal of ensnarement. They are the constant reminder and shackle, to both the mannequin and to others, of what it has been through.


The Light.

The light bulb provides illumination and transparency, bringing the darkness to light, exposing evil, and revealing the truth. It is the way out. It is the promise of salvation and rescue from the depths of despair. It is hope for life beyond that which is known.

Art is unique in the way it brings together people of drastically different backgrounds, experiences, and strengths. That, above anything else, has most affected my mindset and artistic process throughout this piece. I was able to observe the creative process of others and note the similarities and mirrored actions between their life stories and art, which provided me with inspiration and a new way to positively relate to my piece, along with the topics and themes it represents.

Oral Statement