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Drive Through Art Show Virtual Tour

"My Corona Confessions" by Everett Paul Burris
Graphite On Paper 8.5" by ll"

My Corona Confessions

Artist Statement

This drawing started with a ring and a chain. I was thinking about the story “Lord Of The Rings” in which Frodo carried the ring on a chain around his neck. In the story the ring was a tremendous burden for Frodo. He remarked, “I wish the ring had never come to me.”

Gandalf replied, “ That is not a question for us to decide. All that is for us to decide is what we are to do in the time we have been given.”

I found these words very fitting for our situation today. Being quarantined in my home because of the Corona virus is not what I wanted. It is a burden.

Drawing is how I often respond to the events of life. As I began to draw I wanted to work these ideas into the image. The ring represents a burden and the chain is like a path. To these I added a warped vampiric skull. It represents the virus which has brought suffering and death. It has drained away my plans for the future.

Now, at that point my drawing was dismal but I didn’t want it to remain there. As Gandalf asked Frodo I asked myself, what will I choose to do in the time I have been given? I choose to see life and to have hope. So a sunflower, violets, and butterflies were added to the drawing. They represent life and hope for the future. And that is my desire for you… to see life and hope and to find joy in the midst of disappointment and loss.