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Unmasking Art Show Virtual Tour

"Fly From the Flock" by Lydia Nygaard
Polymer clay 14" x 11" x 11"

Fly From the Flock

Artist Statement

Hello friends, my name is Lydia Nygaard. I am a junior in high school and I am taking PSEO classes along with some classes at the Saint Cloud Christain School. My fourth grade art class was the last time I worked with clay before this piece. I really wanted to step out of my comfort zone in this session because most of my art is made with paper and pen. I am so glad I did. Overall, clay is an amazing medium to work with, except for the occasional heartbreak as a delicate wing or neck would break off a bird while painting them.

When PV announced this session's theme, What would you tell your younger self? I immediately knew the advice I wish I could tell, “Your identity is in Jesus”. Throughout my younger years I have fallen into the same trap repeatedly, changing who I was to be liked by those around me. When I put a lot of thought into what I would tell my naive younger self, I began to realize how far I have come. This piece was inspired by one of my favorite verses, Romans 12:2, ‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.’ I should not change to be accepted, nor should I go in the same direction as the world. Throughout the making of this piece, I gained so much gratefulness for my relationship with God and I realize now how much I leaned on him as I was going through a time full of insecurities. I always need to value His opinion more than any other, because I am His.

I could not have made this piece without my mentor, Shane’s help. I had a vision without any idea on how to execute, and he kindly came alongside me and assisted with any troubles I had. My ideas were bigger than I had time for. Shane helped me see that simplicity is ok, and art has no standards that are set.

Oral Statement